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    作者:庄梅宽  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2022-05-23 19:43:30

    Science of setbacks:How failure can improve career prospects
    36.[G]One straightforward reason close losers might outper-form narrow winners is that the two groups have comparable ability.
    37.[D ]Others in the US have found similar effects with National Institutes of Health early-career fellowships launching narrow winners far ahead of close losers.
    38.[K]In sports and many areas of life,we think of failures as evidence of something we could have done better.
    39.[B]One way social scientists have probed the effects of career setbacks is to look at scientists of very similar qualifica-tions.
    40.[]He said the people who should be paying regard to the Wang paper are the funding agents who distribute government grant money.
    41.[F]In a study published in. Nature. Communications,North-western University sociologist Dashun Wang tracked more than 1,100 scientists who were on the border between getting a grant and missing out between 1990 and 2005.
    42.[J] For his part,Wang said that in his own experience, losing
    did light a motivating fire.
    43.[C]A 2018 study published in the Proceedings of the Nation-al Academy of Sciences, for example, followed researchers in the Netherlands.
    44.[]He said the people who should be paying regard to the Wang paper are the funding agents who distribute government grant money.
    45.[E]This is bad news for the losers.


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